Not long time ago, a little seraph-like girl child read a lovely book,
She could not decipher what it said and the message it tried to deliver,
And was still at peace, so much so that she remained cheerful,
Amid numerous personal catastrophes and many a brutal boulevards,
Playing along with colorful balloons, green tea sets and plastic dolls,
With the fickle time running on her clock, she got lost somewhere,
In between those dark lanes, some ugly corners, she just stared;
The verses with the peace disappeared too, so very gradually,
From her being, her mind, her soul and from under her feet,
Her callings for life changed, to a glittering lane, to a dark-hued place,
With thousands of gleaming lights reflecting some hidden tales,
Heaps of shining dancing people with broken eyes in really hip designs,
So far away from home, really far away, to some distant nightmare,
Shivering nights and mischievous clouds took over her burnt shelter,
Her demons conquered and pricked her insides, and she still stared;
Entering that narrow gateway, she numbered her days,
Each day, passing her time talking to a new head, still searching,
Those floundering black butterflies didn’t return nor did her smiles,
Frantically laughing at her fate and bleeding some pain out,
So when that also failed, she walked some more, until she collapsed,
Dripped in evil spirits, drowned in pathos and entwined by a cold body,
She was dismayed at the fatal error designed in her preplanned destiny,
And she got so disappointed, in herself, in others and her god,
Her blank stares eyed the stillness in her, and there was a cry,
A heart-wrenching cry, some broken frames and a few last words,
There would be only lies listed in her elegy and no one would ever object,
She feared, she confronted and she wanted to overcome, but in vain,
It was burning her heart and so she fed her head, some reflections,
Long time ago, it seemed very long then, this girl had befriended a fish,
A beautiful and patient Piscean, glowing in the darkness, staying strong,
Together amidst rainbows and tides, till she swam into another sea;
Something went missing in her and many other alien things took over,
So soon, for so long, an unpleasant cruel wind blew around and round,
No one cared enough to matter, some poison on rocks, and life stunk,
A few white roses in hand, that many fallen angels and a sad song,
She got scarred, it pained and bled her guts and esteem out,
Decent goodness in friends and strangers soothed her open wounds,
That baby, this baby, made her smile, an honest smile, with one crack,
Then again they left too, something about separation saddened her,
She never could figure out what exactly was it, from laughter to sorrow,
She bought ancient drugs, swallowed pills and powdered her being,
Nothing could heal, or fix her, many crushed her, he belittled her,
The predators chased her with word webs and played mind games,
Some sort of a cheap lust-flesh trading, almost in a swoon, drained her,
She could not feel the light, the warmth was still missing, so was she;
Beneath dense clouds and turquoise blue skies, she stood there staring,
She walked across emerald fields, cherry trees, an empty and dry well,
In outgrowing desperation, like sparkling fountains and geysers,
She experienced a peaceful epiphany, a moment of that silver faith,
Satan let her be, released her from his vile imprisonment, the cage,
That she built in herself, like molten crystals, broke through and shone,
Each brave leap reflected in her eyes, mirrored her kith and kin’s love,
Every recollected fall, like the refined desert sand, sorted her out,
Covering the distance between the wooden surface and her head,
She prostrates, she weeps and calls out for her lord, her protector,
Knowing and dreaming of impossible things, she believes in the unseen,
Now she stares and smiles at the realization that life goes on and on,
With the white book in her hand, still waiting to be read, to be understood,
Joyous angels gather around her with huge trumpets and gold dust,
She feels it’s about time, to reconcile and meet her god, her only god.